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California Workplace
Violence Prevention Law

Be Aware. Be Prepared. Be Protected.

Be Aware:
Does WVPP Apply to My Business?

WVPP applies to most public and private employers in California. This includes the following:

1. Public and Private Sector Employers: Any employer with employees working in California, regardless of the size of the workforce or the industry.
2. Multi-Employer Worksites: Employers at multi-employer worksites, such as construction sites or businesses that share facilities with other employers, must coordinate their WVPP with other employers on site.
3. Places Accessible to the Public: Any employer whose workplace is accessible to the public must comply, ensuring safety measures are in place for both employees and visitors​.


1. Small Worksites: Workplaces with fewer than ten employees present at any given time and not accessible to the public are exempt, provided they have a compliant Injury and Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP).
2. Telecommuting Employees: Employees who work remotely from a location of their choice that is not under the employer’s control are exempt from the requirements of SB 553.
3. Healthcare Facilities: Facilities covered under Section 3342 of Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations, such as hospitals and emergency medical services, are exempt and must follow their specific set of regulations.
4. Law Enforcement Agencies: Law enforcement agencies that are a “department or participating department” as defined in Section 1001 of Title 11 of the California Code of Regulations and have received confirmation of compliance with the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Program are exempt, provided all facilities operated by the agency are in compliance​.

Be Prepared:
What is Required?

Effective July 1, 2024, the California Labor Code has changed to require most public agencies and private businesses to establish a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan as follows:

  • Establish, implement, and maintain a workplace violence prevention plan,
  • Maintain a violent incident log with specific information for every workplace violence incident,
  • Provide effective training to all employees (to include independent contractors and volunteers in some instances),
  • Require various records to be maintained by the agency, including records of investigations conducted.

Failure to comply with these requirements could result in a misdemeanor violation per the Labor Code [Section 6401.9(g)].


Be Protected:
You’re Not Alone. There are Resources to Help.

SB 553 is a serious law with dire consequences. That’s why you need the expertise of knowledgeable professionals who can guide you through the process. We have compiled a list of advisors to set you up. The JL Group Team is here if and when an incident is reported and requires investigation.

What Should I Do First?

  • Create a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan:
    Templates – Samples – Resources
  • Train Your Entire Staff
  • Develop an Incident Log
  • Develop an Incident Log
  • Know When and How to Investigate

Frequently Asked Questions
We have prepared a Fact Sheet to help prepare you to comply and respond to SB 553. Click here to learn more about the requirements of the law.

More Questions?
Give us a call.